Dermal Filler Treatment

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Helping you achieve skin confidence

Our dermal filler injections can help to:

Before we begin treatment, we’ll ask you to come in for a no-obligation consultation. During this appointment we’ll discuss your medical history, desired results, treatment timings, finances and any concerns you have. All of this will help us tailor the treatment plan to your needs and desired results.

On the day of treatment, we’ll ask that you apply a topical local anaesthetic 20 minutes before the appointment. This will numb the skin ready for the injections.

Small amounts of the filler will be injected into the treatment areas – this shouldn’t take longer than 45 minutes depending on the size of the treatment area.

The injections are safe, simple and relatively painless. Our friendly and professional team will take care of you every step of the way, making sure you are as comfortable as possible throughout your appointment.

There are a few things you should do before coming in for your treatment. We’ll talk about these in your consultation, but they include:

  • Avoiding alcohol 24 hours prior to treatment
  • Avoiding any nonessential blood thinning medications for up to a week before the injections
  • Ensuring your face is clean and make-up free on the day of treatment
  • Letting your practitioner know of any medications you are taking including courses of antibiotics as this may affect whether we can treat you.

You may experience some mild bruising, redness and tenderness after your appointment but this should last no longer than three days. There are a few things you can do to get the best possible results from your treatment, including:

  • Avoid touching and applying make-up or creams to the treatment areas for 24 hours after your appointment.
  • Do not drink alcohol for the first 12 hours post-treatment.
  • Elevate your head and avoid lying flat, particularly in a face down position.
  • Do not massage or rub the injection sites.
  • Avoid facial treatments such as waxing, peels or dermabrasion for at least 48 hours post-treatment.
  • For three days after treatment, try to avoid non-essential blood thinning medication and alcohol, along with fish oils or other fatty acids supplements.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure or freezing temperatures for up to two weeks.
  • To reduce the chance of bruising, avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours. Ice packs and arnica gel can help to minimise any bruising that does occur.

The effect of dermal fillers is immediate and you will see a reduction in lines and plumping of the skin straight away. Once any redness or swelling subsides (up to three days) you’ll see the true results of the treatment which will last between 12 and 18 months, after which time you can make a visit for a top-up appointment.